A good dog is a Blessing from God

In Memory

In Memory of

Chip #2 (a.k.a. "Chip" & "Chipper")

Reg. No. ABC 96549

09-25-1996 ~ 09-09-2011

Sire: Sagebrush Wally ABC 29893

Dam: ImpMoelLynda ISDS 201136 (Welsh Import)

Chip was a sweetheart of a red Border Collie that weighs about 35 pounds. During her career as a stock dog for us, she had three healthy litters of pups. Several of her pups became working stock dogs, and a few went into agility. Unfortunately we did not keep one of her daughters back then, as we thought she'd have more litters, but Cancer changed that plan. Chip's mother was a small framed dog imported from Wale's and Chip took on her dainty features. Her dad, a big 60 pounds, once kept a cougar treed one night. Both parents of Chip's were red with white, and good working dogs from working bloodlines that are natural "heelers". Chip, even though dainty, had her fathers constitution and showed no fear of varmints that wonder into the yard nor around cattle. She was quick and could move troublesome cattle, even when she was at 13 years of age! One of her favorite jobs was filling the alley way with cattle for pour-on's, weighing, and shots. And whenever one of us went outside...we never walked alone, she was not only just a cowdog, she was a family dog. She lived a long life for a cowdog.
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In Memory of Chipper

I lived my long active life joyfully with family hugs, pets, "Come Bye", and "Way To Me". With "Look Back" and "Easy Girl" I rounded them up and headed them out, which only added more to my glee. I lived for nipping at reluctant bovine heels, the rush, duck, and dodge of kicking cloven hoof. The appreciative praise to a risk taking, hard working cowdog...I clearly understood.
I loved the night watch of the farmstead, leaving proof of trespassing varmints laying at the back door. I loved moving the livestock into the alley to the chute, could hardly wait for the words: "Chip, I need some more". I loved the horseback trips out to the pasture, especially when I wasn't told to "stay home". I loved the petting, brushing, hugs, attention, when we just stayed put, and didn't roam.
When I became arthritic and hard of hearing, you understood my reluctance to nip the cow heel. And we got by with some sign language when I started staying in closer to your own boot heels. The shadow of our walking together, was shared with loyalty many years upon the ground, Now the shadow has changed to a lonesome figure, without these four more legs of mine abound.
~ A good cowdog is a Blessing from God ~ Way To Me = go right Come Bye = go left Easy = move up to the stock slowly  Look Back = go back for stock behind I Need Some More = bring more into the alley Chip is missed, all-ways...
Don't cry for me to long, when you "Look Back"...missing my paw prints with your boot prints on the ground. I'm just waiting patently beyond blue sky, in a place where there are many other bovine hoof prints to be found. One day again our tracks will meet, as our heart felt friendship will never really end, Where under God's Love and Glory...we can "Way To Me" and "Come Bye" once again.
A good dog is a Blessing from God

In Memory

In Memory of

Chip #2 (a.k.a. "Chip" & "Chipper")

Reg. No. ABC 96549

09-25-1996 ~ 09-09-2011

Sire: Sagebrush Wally ABC 29893

Dam: ImpMoelLynda ISDS 201136 (Welsh Import)

Chip was a sweetheart of a red Border Collie that weighs about 35 pounds. During her career as a stock dog for us, she had three healthy litters of pups. Several of her pups became working stock dogs, and a few went into agility. Unfortunately we did not keep one of her daughters back then, as we thought she'd have more litters, but Cancer changed that plan. Chip's mother was a small framed dog imported from Wale's and Chip took on her dainty features. Her dad, a big 60 pounds, once kept a cougar treed one night. Both parents of Chip's were red with white, and good working dogs from working bloodlines that are natural "heelers". Chip, even though dainty, had her fathers constitution and showed no fear of varmints that wonder into the yard nor around cattle. She was quick and could move troublesome cattle, even when she was at 13 years of age! One of her favorite jobs was filling the alley way with cattle for pour-on's, weighing, and shots. And whenever one of us went outside...we never walked alone, she was not only just a cowdog, she was a family dog. She lived a long life for a cowdog.
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In Memory of


I lived my long active life joyfully with family hugs, pets, "Come Bye", and "Way To Me". With "Look Back" and "Easy Girl" I rounded them up and headed them out, which only added more to my glee. I lived for nipping at reluctant bovine heels, the rush, duck, and dodge of kicking cloven hoof. The appreciative praise to a risk taking, hard working cowdog...I clearly understood.
I loved the night watch of the farmstead, leaving proof of trespassing varmints laying at the back door. I loved moving the livestock into the alley to the chute, could hardly wait for the words: "Chip, I need some more". I loved the horseback trips out to the pasture, especially when I wasn't told to "stay home". I loved the petting, brushing, hugs, attention, when we just stayed put, and didn't roam.
When I became arthritic and hard of hearing, you understood my reluctance to nip the cow heel. And we got by with some sign language when I started staying in closer to your own boot heels. The shadow of our walking together, was shared with loyalty many years upon the ground, Now the shadow has changed to a lonesome figure, without these four more legs of mine abound.
~ A good cowdog is a Blessing from God ~ Way To Me = go right Come Bye = go left Easy = move up to the stock slowly  Look Back = go back for stock behind I Need Some More = bring more into the alley Chip is missed, all- ways...
Don't cry for me to long, when you "Look Back"...missing my paw prints with your boot prints on the ground. I'm just waiting patently beyond blue sky, in a place where there are many other bovine hoof prints to be found. One day again our tracks will meet, as our heart felt friendship will never really end, Where under God's Love and Glory...we can "Way To Me" and "Come Bye" once again.